I know you all must be tired of winter and are ready for Spring. Soon it will be a distant memory and we will forget that it was even that bad. A lot of us who live in Scaly Mountain have a garden for flowers and vegetables. Mine is no exception. With the warmer temps just around the corner, I get excited about planting for the new season. With any garden, their is work to be done before you reep the benefits of your hard work. The same can be said for your home and yard. Property owners who are looking to put their homes on the market this Spring need to think about getting their property ready to show well this Summer. Keeping your house and the surrounding landscape in excellent showing condition will pay off when it sells. When I show my garden off to friends and clients , everyone of them is impressed by the beauty of it . I will do my best to take pictures of the garden thru out the growing season and post them on my blogg.